Monday, February 22, 2010

"Campfire" Puppet progress and more!

Everything's going pretty well! But it's all about to pick up speed. Almost finished with the puppet, and have begun work on the set and props.
Mr. Campfire boy (name?) checking out his 3 resin skulls.

Roughed out body and heads. Three replacement heads: Happy, Sad/confused, and Mad. In this picture they're all pretty happy. It's about time for some latex skin and mini-clothes!

My friend Courtney is working on sewing the mini-flannel shirt and pants. She's got some skills!
Two 2' by 4' wooden floor pieces for the set, along with the construction of the tent.

This project is already effecting my home-life:
Beginning to make my bedroom my stop motion studio... !


  1. Ahah, loving the use of your Bed.
    That's really handy for Tie-Downs.

  2. Really like the last picture!

    He looks great so far!

  3. I just realized we had the same type of Mac!

